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Tools for Writers

... that I find helpful


Google Calendar*
Basic calendar

Pomodoro Tracker*
To do list & time management

Databases & Lists

To Do lists

Google Sheets
Use a spreadsheet to track your daily writing performance over time

Apple Reminders
Good for setting brief tasks & to do lists

*Highly recommended


Muji Notebook*
For handwritten notes & scribbles & anything real

Early stage outlines & brainstorming, bullet point lists, sharing & brain dumps

The best word processor & outliner out there

Google Docs
Good for sharing & making notes

Apple Notes
Good for sharing & making notes & images


Time Management

Timer Tab
Useful on line timer to implement the Pomodoro Technique

Cold Turkey
Internet blocker. Stops you from doing anything on line & saving your work until completion of word or time targets

Self Control
Internet blocker. Stops access to distracting sites & others you choose to block

Rescue Time
Track what you do on line & set productivity goals